Monday, April 04, 2005

survey blahblah

im bored... survey muna... got this from rJo sa friendster

1.what kind of first impression do you think
people say when they first see you?
---sabog, maingay and stuff

2. what's one thing you like to do alone?
--- comp, comp all u want, fix my site

3. what is your favorite line to say when
your drunk?
--- nvr got drunk pa. nvr will.

5. how many drinks before you're tipsy?
--- dunno

6. do you ever have to beg?
--- minsan pag gus2 ko tlga or need ko

7. what kind of books do you like to read?
--- something kiddy. ewan, mysterious and mapupulutan ng moral.. weird..

8. do you think you're cute?
--- no

9. do you have a problem changing
clothes in front of your friends?
--- nope.

10. favorite communication method?
--- talk nlng

11. do you care?
--- shempre

12. what do you eat when you raid the fridge at night?
--- milk, or noodles

13. if you could have plastic surgery, what
would you have done?
--- face ku

15. describe your bed?
--- its blue, starry, and old na

16. spontaneous or planned?
--- planned.

17. do you know how to play poker?
--- oo knti.

18. what do you carry with you at all
--- my 2 cellfones, wallet. hanky.

19. what do you miss most about being
--- being cute... hahaha...

20. are you happy with your given name?
--- yeah.

22. what color is your bedroom?
--- all blue

23. have you ever been in a play?
--- uhm cguro sa mga oral tests plang

24. do you like yourself and believe in
--- yep sumtimes no...

25. do homeless, or starving people
annoy you?
--- nope.. pero paminsan kung super kulit tlga.

26. do you consider yourself to be a nice
--- no.. cguro minsan oo... ewan labo

27. do you spend more time with your
girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends?
--- friends kc la naman aku gf e

28. what's one thing you wish you could
but can't?
--- love other people, and other people to love me

29. what is your ideal marriage location?
--- sa isang island then puro flowers romantic... doi

30. whats one instrument you wish you
--- drums...

31. something you like and hate?
--- homework.. minsan hate ku minsan love ku

32. what's the one language you want to
--- french ata

33. what do you order at a bar?
--- mostly ice cream and nonalcoholic drinks

34. have you ever pierced your body
--- nope n never

35. do you have any tattoos?
--- henna tattoo. pero faded na

36. would you admit to getting plastic
if confronted?
--- maybe

37. whats one trait you hate in a person?
--- mayabang na walang maipagyayabang

38. do you consider yourself materialistic?
--- a little bit...

39. what do you cook best?
--- tempura?? dunno..

40. do you cry in front of your friends?
--- yeah 1 time i cried in front of dem

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